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He later published two books on fashion and interior design: The Power Look (1978) and The Power Look at Home: Decorating for Men (1980). Many of his friends remember that among his favorite hangouts were the NYC gay bars Flamingo (for drugs – they had no liquor license at that time) and The Barefoot Boy – not to mention his legendary gay partying on Fire Island.įürstenberg certainly didn’t need to work, but he was fascinated by the fashion world.

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He even professed his bisexuality and drug abuse to New York magazine and the Italian daily La Repubblica. He was frank about his bisexuality and the openness of his first marriage. But during and between those marriages Prince Egon had many male partners. In 1983 Prince Egon remarried, this time to an American, Lynn Marshall. However, the couple became estranged and lived apart after 1972, just one year after their second child was born.

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